
Day 36 - Half rest day


All plans are usually prone to changes at these latitudes. A week ago, we planned for a rest day today. Since then, we came up with the idea of skiing a couple more days before the rest so that the final part of our journey would be shorter. But when we looked out of the tent this morning and couldn't see very far, we called ourselves a day of rest.

But the story doesn't end there. After a couple of hours of active rest, the sky opened up and revealed good skiing weather. Since we already had everything ready for skiing in the morning, we decided to ski for half a day. Good decision; we made good progress on flat terrain for five hours.

Photo of the day taken 20 seconds after the day of rest was declared. Mikko has already fallen into his characteristic power-saving mode.

Location-86.511585, -82.37156
Altitude1863 m
Temperature-20 °C
Wind4 m/s SE
Ski hours5 h
Distance16.6 km (3.3 km/h)
Cumulative739 km
Remaining388 km
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Dudes in a tent
